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Sunday, June 23, 2013

Homestake Pass to Pipestone Pass

This ride is a classic.  Most all guide books, if they have any ride around Butte listed, have this well maintained portion of the CDT described.  The ride can be anywhere from 9 miles to 12 miles depending on where you decide to pop out on Highway 2 in Thompson park.  It can be ridden as a shuttle or an out and back with multiple good stops for turnaround points.

There are no real technical sections or huge climbs required.  Either way it is ridden (N or S), it starts with a uphill section that climbs to 7300 feet about halfway through the ride, followed by a mostly downhill section with a few short uphills.  The whole trail is very buffed out and very easily rideable on a hardtail or even a rigid frame.  When choosing where to intersect with Highway 2, fitness and technical ability can help make your choice between coming out on the Skiboggan, The Beaver Ponds or any of the other trailheads.

One thing to note is that this trail is open to horses as well, so watch out for surprises left behind by those other users.  Also because this ride stays along the CDT it doesn't melt out as soon as some other rides, but one look at the East Ridge and you should know if it is dry and ready to ride.

A few miles in you come across a nice rolling section in the trees that breaks up the climb and gives your legs some time to rest.

A well marked scenic outlook about 4 miles in that gives a great view of Butte (with the Berkeley Pit perfectly blocked out).  Todd not always there to enhance the picture (but usually he is).

The top of the climb--ahead is some great buffed out downhill and a few switchbacks so make sure to stay in control!

All in all this is a great ride that is fairly quick and doable a few hours.

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